Sunday 18 October 2015

Reboot Restore Rx 2.0 Build 201405131155

Reboot Restore Rx is a Freeware utility that makes it easy to maintain PC’s in small public access computing environments (classrooms, computer labs, internet cafes, libraries, etc.). Every time you restart the PC’s – they will automatically reset to your desired baseline settings. Reboot Restore Rx is SteadyState-like solution without all the superflous add-ons that made SteadyState so intricately involved and convoluted to use. Reboot Restore Rx is also much more intuitive; there’s no steep learning curve to learn how it works.

Reboot Restore Rx integrates Reboot-and-Restore, a simple concept designed to keep computers fully functional and optimally configured. Without restricting the computers access, the users have full access to all computer functions. Regardless of what the users do, including erasing files, installing software or even hacking the system registry, Reboot Restore Rx will automatically restore the PC to a predefined baseline — every time the workstation is restarted, or turned on. Making the workstations perfectly configured and available for the next user.
Download: Reboot Restore Rx 2.0 Build 201405131155 | 7.4 MB (Freeware)

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