Monday 19 October 2015

Get App Shortcuts In iPhone Notification Center Without Jailbreak Using Push Launcher

App launchers are customarily compared with Android though if we have a jailbroken iPhone, it is probable to get some accessible ways to fast entrance your apps. InstaLauncher and atom are twin beautiful examples of full-featured app launchers for iDevices. Though if we don’t have entrance to a Cydia store though still wish in on a action, there is now a approach of removing a collection of app shortcuts inside your iPhone’s Notification Center. Push Launcher works on a same element as Speed U, creation use of pull notifications to safeguard that we get semi-permanent app shortcuts in a Notification Center. In further to that, a app is also able of displaying notifications during a time of your choice, that is a bit like scheduling a involuntary launch of your favorite apps.
Push Launcher iOS Installe Push Launcher iOS Home Push Launcher iOS NC
You competence not grasp a whole judgment behind Push Launcher true away, though there’s not most to it. Push Launcher has icons for all a renouned apps accessible in a App Store, and we only have to select their names from a app list. This can be finished by swiping downwards on a categorical page, and afterwards attack a ‘Installed apps’ button. Even if we wish to supplement an app that isn’t listed, simply write a name, give a URL scheme, and upload an idol of your choice. This creates a by-pass on a categorical shade of Push Launcher, drumming that executes a URL scheme, thereby rising a app.
If we are looking to supplement a app by-pass to a Notification Center, appropriate opposite a preferred entrance to a right until we see a yellow checkmark. To undo an entry, keep swiping to a right until a red bar appears. Shortcuts that have been combined to Push Launcher can be mutated flattering easily, and all we have to do is appropriate opposite them to a left.
Push Launcher populates a Notification Center as shortly as we quit a app, vouchsafing we launch a preferred apps any time we want. Even after we have tapped a presentation and it has launched a aim app, it doesn’t go divided until manually dismissed.
Scheduled notifications are an critical underline of Push Launcher, as they offer a twin purpose of reminding we about regulating an app, and providing a quick approach to launch it no matter where in iOS we are. To report an app, conduct to Push Launcher and appropriate opposite a preferred entrance from right to left until a time idol appears. Now we can select any time we wish for a notification.
Push Launcher is a giveaway app, so even if we have reservations per a concept, go forward and give it a shot. It comes optimized for iPhone and iPod touch.
[via Gizmodo]

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Get App Shortcuts In iPhone Notification Center Without Jailbreak Using Push Launcher
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