Wednesday 21 October 2015

Foursquare & Flipboard Get iOS 7 Makeovers

Everything is in place for a iOS 7 recover (except for iTunes 11.1 on Windows), and given a refurbish is going to change a lot of things that were informed until iOS 6, many third-party apps have motionless to get in on a fun as well. iOS 7 promises to make multitasking smarter on iDevices, so it creates clarity that Flipboard is among a initial apps to get updated for a latest firmware. Flipboard’s latest refurbish also gets impulse from a parallax outcome combined to iOS 7, and now we can lean your device around to exhibit some-more of magazine covers. Flipboard is not a usually app to accept an iOS-exclusive refurbish though; many other large players have left down that path, including Foursquare. The changes in Foursquare are not as poignant as Flipboard, yet there still is an altogether mutation about a app’s UI.


Foursquare iOS 7 Menu Foursquare iOS 7 Search Foursquare iOS 7 Checkin
The initial thing we will notice after updating Foursquare to chronicle 6.3 is a new app icon. Staying astride a batch apps, Foursquare has a prosaic idol of a own. Inside a app, a menus and options lists resemble those rolled out by Apple for iOS 7 in a batch apps. The buttons are simplistic, and a other UI elements have a same flatness that has turn a evil of iOS 7.
The menu, categorical stream, and outcome pages haven’t altered much, yet a rise is decidedly opposite from how it was previously. Another good thing about a refurbish that competence go neglected is a formation of a new behind gesticulate that comes with iOS 7. On any given screen, simply appropriate horizontally from left to right, and we will be taken to a menu that was open previously.


Flipboard iOS 7 Parallax Flipboard iOS 7 Comments
On a surface, Flipboard 2.0.7 competence not demeanour too opposite from a app’s comparison versions, yet there are changes that make it ideal for iOS 7. The many conspicuous further is a new parallax outcome for repository covers. To see this in action, open any magazine, and make a cover full screen. Just lean your device around, and a picture should pierce as well.
Another change in a latest chronicle of Flipboard is a ability to let owners of magazines undo comments from their pages. You should now see a some-more distinguished ‘Report’ symbol on user profiles and posts, that helps keep Flipboard as purify as a iOS 7 interface. The refurbish has also combined support for Russian to a app.

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Foursquare & Flipboard Get iOS 7 Makeovers
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