Monday, 26 October 2015

Apply Live Voice Effects During Calls On iPhone With VoiceChanger

In cinema portraying espionage and fear flicks, there is mostly a stage where a impression calls someone regulating a phone that is able of changing or during slightest masking a tellurian voice. In a genuine world, such inclination and program collection have been accessible for utterly some time, yet are especially used for personification pranks. iPhone has a few voice changers of a own, yet routinely a voice changer has to be configured before creation a call, and no changes can be finished once we have started talking. VoiceChanger is a new Cydia tweak that allows users to facade their voice mid by a call. There are mixed effects accessible in VoiceChanger, and many of them are flattering fun to use.
VoiceChanger iOS Settings VoiceChanger iOS Effects
VoiceChanger belongs to a genre of tweaks that has already given us good releases like AnonySend and SMSNinja. This tweak, however, is opposite as it offers changes in genuine time, something we haven’t seen in a past. VoiceChanger could have been ideal had it offering formation with a batch Phone app, yet even in a stream state, regulating a tweak is usually softly inconvenient. VoiceChanger has to be configured from a menu it adds to a batch Settings app. In further to simple use instructions, a tweak’s menu has usually dual functioning options. At a tip of a screen, there is a disable/enable toggle. The genuine fun starts inside a ‘Voice Effect’ territory though. By default, no outcome is practical to your calls, and a comparison choice is ‘Normal – No Effect’. You don’t have to name an outcome right away, as VoiceChanger works even if we name an outcome during a call. This can be finished by attack a Home symbol to exit a call interface, and streamer to a VoiceChanger territory of a Settings app. Following are a effects accessible in a tweak during present.
  • Dark Lord
  • Tenoro
  • Smurf
  • Rumplestiltskin
Some of these effects (like a Dark Lord) one, make it a bit tough for a chairman on a other to know what we are saying, yet if we don’t have something unequivocally critical to say, a tradeoff competence not be too bad.
VoiceChanger suffers from a few shortcomings. For one thing, it usually works with iPhone 4S and iPhone 5. Even on a 4S, a tweak usually plays good with calls that are finished over a speaker, and not in normal mode. Since VoiceChanger is a initial tweak of a kind though, we have to make some allowances. It costs $2.99 and can be found in a BigBoss repo of a Cydia store.

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Apply Live Voice Effects During Calls On iPhone With VoiceChanger
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